From:                     Doug Cannon

Sent:                      Monday, January 03, 2000 8:49 PM

To:                         Research Division-Redmond Only (ALL)

Cc:                         AT Technical Support Issues

Subject:                 MSR servers is "unlocked", please read!



All of MSR servers, but three, is now unlocked and all permissions have been restored to the same level they were before the lockdown.


The three servers that is still in "read-only" mode are:






The above servers, along with other Microsoft groups servers, are scheduled to be "unlocked" starting at 6pm today.  As a result, many \\research\root shares are still locked in "read-only" mode.  The "unlocking" is supposed to be completed by tomorrow morning and when you come in tomorrow, all the servers should be back to normal.


All the MSR web servers are running at normal levels and is fully accessible at the same level as before the "lock-down".


Y2K Compliance

This is also a great time to insure your computers are ready for the Year 2000, please go to the following web pages for information and upgrades to your systems to insure Y2K compliance.

Desktop: <http://itgweb/y2k/desktop/>

Overall: <http://itgweb/y2k/>


Virus Update - Required for Network access from Thursday, 30 Dec 1999 through the evening of Monday, 03 January 2000.


You must have the latest version and signature files of Inoculan or Notion AntiVirus installed on your machine in order to gain access to the Corporate and Research network during the "lock down" period.  You can check to see if you have the latest version and signature flies by checking the web site at: http://itgweb/virus.


Have a Happy New Year,

Your MSR support team.
